
day 236 - sunshine state

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
By Ellen Livia - 8:25 PM

#Day236 i feel blessed this spring break. I’m in an adventure with amazing people. I have a super cool cousin and auntie that makes my journey #ciamique 🔫

Can’t wait to go back home and share the story with my favorite American mom, christina ! 🇺🇸👩

This morning i woke up and realize i saw a moon and a sun in the same time. It made my day 😄

“Ellen, do you see the sun over there? It’s sunrise”

“I see the moon”

“And the sun”

“How could they be together, in the same time? It’s so beautiful!”

“Because it’s a sunshine state, Florida”

I feel the goodvibes here, in Florida 🌞🌅

#NyanyianTanahAir #AFS (at Daytona Beach, Florida)

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